Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Jenis-jenis Penggabungan Usaha dan Bentuk-bentuk Rekonstruksi Lainnya

Salah satu proyek termahal yang dapat dipertimbangkan perusahaan ialah perusahaan berinvestasi pada perusahaan-perusahaan lain melalui akuisisi. Selain akuisisi, perusahaan juga bisa melakukan merger atau penggabungan usaha dua perusahaan yang dilebur menjadi satu perusahaan tunggal yang dimiliki oleh pemilik (pemegang saham) yang sama.

     Jenis-Jenis Penggabungan Usaha

Dibawah ini akan diterangkan berbagai bentuk jenis penggabungan usaha yang diantaranya adalah merger,konsolidasi,akuisisi dan lainnya.

Types of Business Combinations and Other Forms of Reconstruction

One of the most expensive projects that can be considered the company is a company investing in other companies through acquisitions . In addition to the acquisition , the company can also do a merger or the merger of two companies that merged into a single company that is owned by the owners ( shareholders ) are the same .

 Types of Business Combinations

 Below will be explained various forms of types of business combinations include a merger , consolidation , acquisition and others .

Perluasan Bisnis ( Expansion Business )

Investment decisions
The Company continually evaluates potential projects that could be investasi.Surely, before making an investment destination required a capital budgeting .Capital budgeting is a comparison between the costs and benefits of a proposed project to determine its feasibility .

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012


 Love Story
This story tells of love experienced by two lovers that full romantic story.
At that time, all schools are receiving the students. Of the many students enrolled, they are accepted to study at the school. After a few months of school,,,,